
 08:30 – 09:00Registration
Session I9:00 – 10:00Opening Session 
Chair: Vasilis Friderikos , Kings College London
09:00 – 09:10Opening SpeechProfessor Bashir M. Al-Hashimi, King’s College London, UK
09:10 – 09:20Welcoming SpeechSpeaker: Nigel Jefferies, Chairman of WWRF 
09:20 – 10:00

Opening Keynote:

Open RAN: From 5G Applications to 6G Research
Tony Quek, SUTD, Singapore
 10:00 – 10:30Coffee Break
Session II10:30-12:00

Plenary Session 1 – Exploring Next-Gen Telecom: Can Autonomous Agents and Large Action Models Lead the Way? Chair: Vinod Kumar, WWRF


The Path To Intelligent Telecom & Autonomous Networks

Lina Bariah, Open Innovation AI, UAE
11:00 – 11:30A Tale of Two ‘G’s: Beyond ‘G’en AI and the Next Telecom ‘G’Christina Chaccour, Ericsson Inc., USA
11:30-12:00A-Core: The New Paradigm for Next Generation of Networks
Riccardo Trivisonno, Huawei Technologies, Munich
 12:00 – 13:00Lunch

General Assembly, Chaired by Nigel Jefferies, WWRF Chairman

Session III14:00 – 15:30

Plenary Session 2 :Hexa-X-II Workshop, Chair: Hendrik Berndt, WWRF

 14:00-14:30Overview of Hexa-X-II and eco-system, introduction to the E2E system view

Mikko Uusitalo, Nokia (Virtual)

 14:30 – 15:30Key results on Radio Evolution & Innovation

Tommy Svensson, Chalmers

 15:30– 16:00Coffee Break
Session IV16:00-17.30

Plenary Session 3, Chair: Angeliki Alexiou 


Terahertz COMING: from Channel to Communications and Sensing

Chong Han, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China
 16:25– 16:50Sensing & AI Enabled 6G Intelligent Communication: From Digital Twin Channel (DTC) to Channel Large Model (ChannelGPT)

Prof. Jianhua Zhang, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications (BUPT), China


Energy Efficiency Comparison of THz and Optical Wireless Communication for 6G

Iman Tavakkolnia, University of Cambridge

Fixed Link sub THz Propagation Measurements Exploiting Scattering

Tim Brown, Institute for Communication Systems, University of Surrey 

 08:30 – 09:00Registration
Session V9:00 – 10:00

Panel Session 1; Universal Communications

Chair: William Webb

Ben Allen , OneWeb

Anas Al Ravi, Ofcom

Goran Malmgren, Nokia

Stephen Wang, Viavi

 10:00 – 10:30Coffee Break
Session VI-a


Plenary Session 4a: Clean slate and Non-traditional approaches to 6G

Chair: Sudhir Dixit 


Paving the Way for 6G in Finland

Mika Klemettinen, Business Finland China

10:50 – 11:15

A name not a (phone) number: Time for cellular to deliver on the hetnet vision by relinquishing the core

William Webb, Marconi Society/Consultant


The Elements of Clean Slate Design for 6G Wireless Networks

Ali Zaidi, University of Leeds


SparkLink – a non-cellular solution for short range wireless communications

Tommi Jamsa, Huawei

Session VI-b
12:00 – 13:00

Plenary Session 4b – Global Views

Chair: Nigel Jefferies

12:00-12:30To be confirmed

Jorge Pereira (European Commission)

12:30 – 13:00To be confirmedTo be confirmed
13:00– 14:00Lunch Break
Session VII


Plenary Session 5 – Digital Healthcare

Chair: Rehan Usman

14:00-14:30Wearable sensing for fitness and healthCecilia Mascolo, University of Cambridge
14:30– 15:00Innovations in Digital Technologies for Early Detection and Monitoring of Dementia: From Speech to Circulatory BiomarkersFasih Haider, University of Edinburgh
15:00-15:30How the digital game industry can positively influence child well-beingDr. Asiri Hewamalage, Consultant Community Physician, National Program Manager Child Care, Development and Special needs unit, Family Health Bureau, Ministry of Health, Sri Lanka

Coffee Break

Session VIII


WG Session 1; Connected Vehicles

Chair: Seshadri Mohan 

16:00 – 16:30Cross-Industry Orchestration with Connected Vehicls for Beyond 5G/6G ServicesDr.  Kentaro Ishizu, Director, Beyond 5G Design Initiative
16:30 – 1700Can Connected Vehicles with Multi-modal sensing lead to Road as a Service?Dr. Bhavani Shankar, University of Luxembourg 
17:00-17:30Performance Comparison of Linearly Polarized Antenna Array (LPA) Against Circularly PolarizedRadha Maturi, UA Little Rock, USA
17:30-18:00Vehicle-to-Everything Technology for Vulnerable Roadside Users’ Safety on HillsCollin McNerny, UA Little Rock
Session VIII


WG Session 2a; Joint Session with one6G on ITU evaluation process

Chair: Angela Alexiou

16:00 – 16:30Welcome and introduction to WWRF WG Evaluation     Angela Alexiou
16:10 – 1620Introduction to one6G     Mona Ghassemian
16:20-16:40ITU IMT-2020 and IMT-2030 Evaluation Process               
16:40-16:50Previous evaluations by WWRF – results and methods    
16:50-17:00Discussion on possible collaboration during the current and next round of evaluations       
Session VIII


WG Session 2b; WG Evaluation Discussion

Chair: Angela Alexiou

 08:30 – 09:00Registration
9:00 – 10:30

Plenary Session 6: ETSI ISGs(THz, RIS,ISC) 

Chair: Angeliki Alexiou (University of Piraeus) and Alain Mourad (InterDigital)

 ETSI ISG THzSana Salous, University of Durham
 ETSI ISG RISArman Shojaeifard, InterDigital
 ETSI ISG ISCAlain Mourad, InterDigital
 10:30 – 11:00Coffee Break
 X (Breakout 1)

11:00 – 12:30

WG Session 3 : WG A/B

Chair : Knud Erik Skouby

11:00 – 11:20Optimizing 5G Network Deployment in Turin: A Comprehensive Study of Mobile Demand, Cost, and Environmental SustainabilityDr. Hassan Osman, Real Wireless
11:20 – 11:40Revolutionary Blockchain Solution with Tailored Consensus Algorithm Enhancing Future Smart Grid Architectures.Charithri Yapa
11:40 – 12:00Circular Sustainable Human Centric Symbiosis Business Model Ecosystems (CSHSBMES) – Realizing The Bharat 6G Vision with advanced technology and Responsible-AIPeter Lindgren, Rajesh Gade, 
12:00 – 12:20Post Quantum Cryptography – the QUARC projectJJ Vegas Olmos 
12:20-12:40Use Cases and Challenges of Leveraging In-
House Open Source Generative AI at WHO
Aram Babayan, Kingston University London, UK
Dr. Nuwan Weerasinghe SIMULTELCO LTD, London, UK
 X (Breakout 2)

11:00 – 12:30

WG Session 4 : WG D

Chair : Angeliki Alexiou

11:00 – 11:20System- and signal-theoretical perspective for RIS-based systemsWerner Mohr
11:20 11:40Channel Modelling using Deep Neural Network with RIS-powered Wireless Communication SystemsKumud S. Altmayer, University of Arkansas at Little Rock, Arkansas, USA
11:40 12:00Energy-Efficient Service Differentiation in Hybrid WiFi/LiFi Networks with Multi-Access Technology Real-Time Intelligent ControllerAsim Ihsan, Department of Engineering, Cambridge University, UK
12:00 – 12:20Comparison of Friis Free-Space Model and Two-Ray Path Model Against Two Rigorous Ray Tracing Tools Radha Maturi, University of Arkansas at Little Rock, Arkansas, USA
12:20 – 12:40Spectral Sampling and Signal Decomposition (SSSD) for Improved Spectral EfficiencyBasim H. Mohammed, University of Arkansas at Little Rock, Arkansas, USA
13:30 – 15:00
WG Session 5: WGC and 6G
Chair : Sudhir Dixit
13:30 – 13:50Coverage Analysis of Large-Scale HAPS Networks Using Directional Beams: A Stochastic Geometry ApproachZhengying Lou. KAUST, Saudi Arabia
13:50 – 14:10Federated Learning Enhancement Through Transfer and Continual Learning Integration: Analyzing Effects of Differerent Levels of Dirichlet DistributionBoyuan Zhang, KCL, UK
14:10 – 14:30Computation Offloading in NTN-Empowered MEC Systems: A Distributed Deep Reinforcement Learning Approach Using Policy GradientNida Fatima, BITS, India
14:30 – 14:50Optimizing Energy Efficiency in 6G through AI-Driven Federated Lerning ArchitectureSatwat Bashir, LSBU, UK
 15:00 – 15:30Coffee Break 
Session XII15:30 – 17:00
Plenary Session 7:  6G Sustainability 
Chair : Simon Fletcher
A Concurrent Dual-band Low Power Radio for
Neutral Host 5G Base Stations
Tim O’Farrell, University of Sheffield 
16:00-16:306G-empowered roboticsMona Ghassemian, Huawei, UK
16:30-17:00To be confirmedSimon Saunders (tbc)
Session XIII17:00 – 17:30Closing by Nigel Jefferies, WWRF Chairman